Annual Exams

Annual Wellness Exams in Flowood, MS

"Wellness Exams" provide an opportunity for preventive medical care. Whereas most office visits are focused on the treatment of specific problems or symptoms, wellness exams focus on the identification of individual risk factors for disease and provide time to ensure that appropriate screening exams and preventive care measures are updated and addressed each year.   

Our staff offers Medicare annual wellness exams and corporate-mandated wellness exams at our medical office in Flowood, Mississippi. 
Medical Office Sign — Flowood, MS — Internal Medicine Specialists

Medicare Annual Wellness Exam

This is a “free” visit for Medicare recipients, which provides an opportunity to focus on preventive care. The goal of this encounter is to prevent medical problems before they happen. This annual visit allows for dedicated time to ensure that all appropriate screening tests, imaging procedures, and vaccinations are up to date. This encounter also provides an opportunity to review and update the patient’s allergies and medication list and to ensure there are no barriers to compliance. This visit also includes a review of various health risks based on age, biometrics, and family history. Finally, this encounter provides the opportunity to review advance directives and preferences. 

Corporate-Mandated Wellness Exams

This visit is also designed to be a preventive healthcare encounter to predict and prevent medical problems before they occur. It includes review and arrangement of age-appropriate health screening tests and exams, vaccinations, and reviewing biometric data for assessment of cardiovascular risk. It also includes identifying individual health risks with a discussion of appropriate wellness topics such as diet, weight management, and other aspects of preventive care. If your insurance or employer has a “wellness benefit,” this is usually a free visit intended to encourage health awareness and intervention. 

Click here to request a wellness exam.

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